
106 Movie Reviews

31 w/ Responses


Even though the characters and some other things in this movie are a TOTAL RIPOFF of my movie, Tactical Diplomacy, I still gave you a 5 out of 10. The similarities I saw in this movie compared to mine were one, the character design (ESPECIALLY the main character), and two, the bullet circling scene. By the way, I got your email asking me for an okay to submit this movie because you knew it was just like mine. Which I dont know why you did because you submitted the movie anyway without my reply or permission if you'd like to call it.

NuttyBanana responds:

ok, first off, the character design has been used before your movie, the only thing similar is the colour scheme used. Other than that, I can't see what i've 'RIPPIED OFF' from you, lol and how the hell can you say i rippied the bullet scene from you?? the only thin similar with mine and yours is the the bullet spins round, seen it before, will see it again, not all from you. I uploaded this movie and finally recieved your email 15 days later, can you blame me for uploading it? This movie is nothin like yours so you must have missunderstood the email i sent you. Anyways, looking foward to TD2 none-the-less :)

You are amazing

I clicked on your submission, watched it, then looked at the reviews. I couldn't believe what that last guy said. I'm not a fan of clocks myself, but you make it work. You have talent I would kill to have. Your movies fucking amaze me. The last guy that reviewed this movie is an idiot.

Your series sucks so bad

Why are you so fucking overrated? Do you pay people to give you a good score? I have no idea how you even made it to the top five with this half-ass piece of shit movie. Your characters are lame and your storyline is unoriginal, corny, and just plane stupid. I feel bad for all the people that work hard at making flash movies and then submit them only to find out some piece of shit like this bumps them down by wrongfully getting a spot in the top five. Do everyone a favor and stop making this wannabe attempt at a series.


That was so short, yet so good. What I want you to do is make a movie like that, only LONGER!!!!!


THAT IS THE BEST TRAILER ON NEWGROUNDS. That was fucking amazing. Better than most. I love your user name secretagentbob. I always name myself bob when I am playing a videogame and i need a name. By the way. What is that song called that you used?

You are the fucking best

Your movies are the coolest. You must work very hard on them. Tragic ending. Gave the movie alot of effect. Loved it. Keep it up.

Wow that was fuckin cool

Your graphics are awsome and your music kicks ass. You did a really good job on this.


A bit wierd but the way you do flash is amazing. What program do you use to do that with flash. Thats awsome.

hansdampf responds:

well, that was about 6 weeks of work, I use the whole bunch you get with an apple, and in peculiar Quicktime, Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop, swift 3d and ah well, a wacom tablet - I'm slow, that's it and I take long walks at night thinking.


That was actually pretty funny. The graphics weren't too great, but I laughed because, well it was funny.

Matt Hunter @MOC-Productions

Age 36, Male

Columbia College Chicago

Austin, TX

Joined on 3/27/03

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