
106 Movie Reviews

31 w/ Responses

Well done.

I primarily agree with "TheManWhoLaughs" review. Your artwork is fantastic. Not to mention, the animation is very smooth and well put together. You have a very dynamic sense of flash cinematography. That is very respectable and a much more difficult talent to come across in flash. I haven't watched any of your other movies, but I plan to. If you haven't already, I'd suggest you do a more serious flash. You're too talented as an artist to just be doing parodies and or comedies. Which brings me to my next point. Your script for this flash was a bit weak, but wasn't bad. What I think might've helped would be a bit more variety in voice acting. These are minor problems and only stem from my own opinion. You still did and outstanding job on this.

Another thing I agree with in "TheManWhoLaughs" review is the good job you did on the menu. People don't realize just how hard it is to make a flash menu (believe me, I know!). So kudos for that as well.

JZM responds:

Wow. Thenx alot. Yeah. My big weakness is script writing. I plan on improving on dat. Also this is the first time someone understood what I've been doing all these years...w/c is flash cinematography. I was always fascinated w/ them especially in movies and wanted to recreate them in my flash work.

You will notice, aside from all the comedy, is that I love serious artwork and storytelling...I kinda explored that here w/c (I think) ruined the pace of the comedy. I plan on making an original series...not comedy but serious stuff...w/c will be totally different from everything I've done so far. But till then...I have 2 more comedy projects lined up....maybe real soon.

Thenx for commenting on the menu. Finally, someone understand how hard it is to make them. :D Also I plan on using different voice actors for future submissions aside from me doing all the voices. Neways, thenx for this useful comment. I plan on improving on the said probs. :P Thenx.

Could be much better

I'm going to be another one of those guys that leaves a fairly negative, but not mean, review. Here's why...

I think you've gotten enough comments on the music, but I have to say it as well. Very poor choice. And it's not because that song isn't my taste (even though it really isn't), but it's because I don't think you should have put mainstream music in a flash like this. My guess is you were trying to be very epic with this (the story, dialogue, etc.). While your animation definitely had a realistic tone, the song just took all credibility away from that. The best way I can explain it is this...it's as if watching the movie Gladiator with Nickelback music as the score. It would make the movie completely unenjoyable, no matter how well it's filmed. So basically, that song was your biggest mistake. My suggestion to you would be to look up some soundtracks to movies and try dubbing in some composed music next time because that's all I can see working for a flash like this. That's just my opinion though.

Also, if you're not going to dub in voices, I would strongly recommend working on your grammar. There were alot of spelling mistakes. Poor grammar can damage your credibility.

Overall, alot of potential but falls short in many aspects.


That was awesome. The satan thing was my favorite.

I just have one thing to say...

Thank you!!!

I was entertained.

I enjoyed this. The animation wasn't anything spectacular, but it didn't have to be. This was a very funny and original concept and it was executed quite well. I love the ending lol. Nice job.


I'm not sure how much more I can say other than you have outdone even some of the best Hollywood disaster films (which is where you deserve to be working if you ask me). I plan on PMing you to maybe talk about the series or possibly get some pointers from you on my series. Really really impressive work here. I can't stress enough how great this series is and how apparent the amount of effort you put into it is. Truly amazing. I'll be searching for episode 2 quite frequently.

Again...Absolutely Brilliant

As I said in my last review, I would take the time to review each part. I've noticed some people saying there is not enough action. I'm sure you are above that as you should be. This story of yours is not just about action. It is about telling a story. And the story you are telling is fantastic. So far, I agree with everything the movie is saying. Again, amazing job. I'd say more, but I want to go watch part 3.

Absolutely Brilliant

I was thinking about just leaving a full review after I watch the other two, but I feel I will give you my impressions of all three as I watch them. Many people have commended you for your masterful animation skills. While I agree with them 100%, what I am most impressed by are your storytelling skills as a director. I strive for a similar effect in my movies, but to be honest, you make my work look as if I am a novice. I've only seen part 1 and I can already say this is the best flash I have (and probably ever will) ever seen. I see you going much further than just a newgrounds animator. You're writing, directing, and animating skills are superb. It would be an honor to be involved in any of your work, or you involved in mine. Honestly, this really is the finest flash on newgrounds, and you are my new favorite artist. Now I'm off to part 2 and 3.


Man these are classic. "I just want some bees please". Hahahaha.

A Perfect 10

You brought something to Madness that I've been waiting to see. I was blown away by this movie. Everything was great; the visuals, the action, the violence. The one thing I really respected though was the way the story unfolded. It was perfect. It wasn't just one guy running around killing 50-60 people just to get killed in the end for no reason. It had a plot and that plot came together perfectly by the end. You put alot of effort into this project, I could tell. And I think you got everything you wanted out of it. Well done. 10 out of 10.

Matt Hunter @MOC-Productions

Age 36, Male

Columbia College Chicago

Austin, TX

Joined on 3/27/03

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