
106 Movie Reviews

31 w/ Responses

Brilliant as always.

Your style is unmatched. This is just fantastic work. Those action sequences were superb. I love the style and color of everything. You made some excellent choices with this one. Great cliffhanger too. That unknown robot looks euphoric. EXCELLENT job. Glad to see you were able to work out the exporting issues. Can't wait for Part 3!

Xionico responds:

Thanks man :D! I'm still waiting to see your animation. And sorry for uploading a few days earlier!

Oh and there were many issues, but gladly I managed to export it without losses of any kind.

I enjoyed it.

I don't know why this one's getting a bed rep. I thought it was pretty funny. Plus it reminded me of one of those weird dreams when you're half awake and hear a scary ass sound but can't move. Maybe that's what you were going for, or maybe you just wanted a funny dick joke. Either way, it was a success in my book lol.

Ockeroid responds:

Haha thanks man :)

You deserve a much higher score.

As I'm reviewing this, the score is 3.56...and that's bullshit. This is a magnificent piece and deserves more recognition. The animation was very smooth and the art/backgrounds were great. I especially liked the idea with the cloak. It looked wonderful. God, the hard work here is SO apparent. Many of the people who vote here have no idea how hard it is to make a flash like this, or any flash for that matter. I am legitimately angry that your score isn't higher. As a matter of fact, I'm going to mention this is my next news post and hope that more people see it. I am happy that you devoted almost 2 years to this (believe me, I've been there) and ended up giving me some real entertainment to enjoy and appreciate.

GDop26 responds:

Thanks man, I mean I had a lot of fun making this and I've learned much from this experience. If it wasn't for SAT's and such this probably would have taken half as long as it did but life is life. In the end I'm glad that you and others who watched this enjoyed it and your post means a lot to me. Thanks and...have a chocolate cookie


That was fantastic.

Thank God this finally came out. Ultra-violence is still your strong-suit. Awesome ending, too. Well done, sir.


This was pretty funny. Loved Mobus's character. All the voice acting was great and the animation was really smooth. Pretty impressive work for your small timeframe. Can't wait to see the finished movie.

Ockeroid responds:

Thanks a lot, Moc !
Yeah, I was so glad that Mobus pulled him off so well. He really made the lines work !

Hits home.

I don't think there's an animator on this site that hasn't been in your shoes. The animation in this piece isn't bad either. I will be pulling for you to make front page. It's good to see people who consider that a real honor. Others on the site take it for granted. Good luck. And who knows. Maybe this submission will even make it to FP.

P.S. Took me about 7 years to make front page...but it was totally worth it. So hang in there.

Ham-head responds:

I also don't take my reviewers for granted. SO thank you ever so much for watching and reviewing and I shall return the favour in the future :)


Utah, you are still the best.

Well done.

After your last two submissions, I was starting to lose respect for you. I must say you have redeemed yourself with this...in the strangest way.


The animation could use some touching up, but overall, I enjoyed this. There were a few shots that looked as though you didn't double check them. For instance, when the troll boss is chasing them, there's a shot where it looks like you erased something near his eye and didn't fill it back in. I could see the layer underneath the part you erased. Hopefully the way I explained that makes sense.

Anyway, aside from the nitpicking, I do still believe you put a valiant effort forth for this project. And that is something I can appreciate.

Well edited, well paced, good music selection. Nice job.

alfa995 responds:

Yeah, about the troll's eye, I saw it and I was going to fix it before uploading the flash but I forgot...I just fixed it, but he admins have to approve it before it updates. Thank you for the review, I'll be more careful and check that kind of details next time.


Someone suggested I see this because I'm planning a collab with a similar concept. I must say, I LOVED this. Very cinematic. Loved the music cues (Fargo, some version of the Syriana soundtrack, etc.). Excellent work. I am inspired.

Matt Hunter @MOC-Productions

Age 36, Male

Columbia College Chicago

Austin, TX

Joined on 3/27/03

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