
106 Movie Reviews

31 w/ Responses


Funny stuff. You tell those collab bastards lol.

P.S. I love Utah's review.

A great start

This was a pretty interesting piece. And for a first flash, it has it's merits. It excites me to see someone with a good sense of style. Looks like you blended noir with western here, which is a great combination. My only gripe is that it sort of ended before it began. I really would like to see more.

I see you improving quickly and I can't wait to see what you do next. Good work.

P.S. Be proud that your first flash made front page. That's a HUGE accomplishment.


I've watched this like twenty times already...and its still funny lol.

This is a masterpiece.

I can't even begin to explain how epic this piece is. The further in it went, the more enthralled in the story I became.

This also has some of the most beautiful flash cinematography I have EVER seen. It looked like it gained alot of influence from "Apocalypse Now" (the fan shots, the lighting, etc.). It is so rare to find cinematic flash animators these days, and you completed this masterfully in a very difficult way: with stick figures.

Your voices are also fantastic. Really professional and well delivered. My favorite line: "I'd kill you for free". Such a brilliant and well thought out script.

I can't describe how much I enjoyed this. The dedication and hard work here is extremely apparent. Just an absolute masterpiece. You sir, should be very proud. Please continue this series.

Shayphis responds:

I will, thank your for your comment :)


Funny little short. I didn't like the mashup they had on youtube, but this was great. It's always funny seeing these things visually depicted and I love this one in particular. Just seeing batman yell into a phone is classic. Nice job.

remyzero responds:

Thanks! Yeah that mashup you speak of, showed up on the same day I started planning this. Glad you enjoyed it!

Pretty cool.

I like the design of the character. To me, this looks like an intro for a production company. The stuff they play before the movie starts. Anyway, I liked it and would love to see more.

Very impressive.

I enjoyed this. Although I wish you would've used sound effects rather than just a song playing in the background. You have all these FANTASTIC visuals backed by (in my opinion) a rather lame song. However, I'm not going to give you a negative review because of that. I think this flash did it's job rather admirably; just kids acting out a fantasy in a unique and interesting way. And it is obvious how much time and effort you put into this. I appreciate artists who take their time and do things right to portray their visions. So for that, I applaud you. Well done.


That was a great trailer. The movie was good too. Where do you get your voices? I have something lined up that I'd love to use that voice in the trailer for.

Can't watch it either.

I have the same problem.

That was epic.

This is the first time in a while I've just decided to randomly check something out in the portal, and I must say I am thoroughly glad I stumbled upon this. You have a great sense of storytelling here, especially with the premise you have (Pac-man/Madness). You deserve much better than a 3.5 (score as I'm writing this) in my opinion. I mean this has everything: gunfights, swordfights, car chases, etc. Your use of blur for camera focus was spot on. I love seeing flash movies where you can really tell how much hard work was put into them and I'm CERTAIN you put alot of work into this one. Great flash, great story, awesome cliffhanger. I loved it. Please make the conclusion.

Matt Hunter @MOC-Productions

Age 36, Male

Columbia College Chicago

Austin, TX

Joined on 3/27/03

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