For a short flash, I liked it. You certainly know how to animate. I didn't think much of this at first, but once Rage started playing, I said to my self "Rage fan? This guy's gettin' a 10". Nice work.
For a short flash, I liked it. You certainly know how to animate. I didn't think much of this at first, but once Rage started playing, I said to my self "Rage fan? This guy's gettin' a 10". Nice work.
Okay, well the guy below me seems to understand the point of this movie being looped. Unfortunately, I don't. By the second loop, I figured something new might happen. Apparently not. So again...I don't quite get it. But that doesn't make it a bad movie persay. I just don't understand why the guy 2 reviews below me is so offended by someone who kind of shares my opinion. It did kind of make me laugh though...the first time.
Good Job
Well, I don't usually like claymations, and at first I didn't like this one, but eventually it got pretty funny. I liked the end. And I have respect for you now because it would have to be difficulat as hell to put all those frames together and tie in voices. The only thing I would recommend is to get more of a variety of voices, but other than that it was pretty funny and I can tell you work hard at your movies so nice job.
Excellent job. Well done.
Your series is really great. It has alot of style to it. I commend you greatly for that. Most flash movies these day have not plot. I'm glad yours does. And EXCELLENT choice with the Road to Perdition music. The only suggestion I have is that you fix your voice sounds. They are kind of distorted. But overall, a great, well organized flash. Well done.
Yeah. I took myself some time thinking out the plot with my buddy. Thanks
Good Job
I actually found this pretty funny. You did a good job on this.
thanks man, im really looking forward to Damage Factor 2
Wow I think I'm gonna fucking puke. God if you're gonna make a fucking sappy, piece of shit letter to your boyfriend, send it straight to him, because none of us give a fuck. And I'm sure he doesn't either so just don't even bother next time. And learn to fucking spell. "Dis, U, Dat" God that shit is so fucking annoying.
Not bad
Your artwork is actually pretty impressive in most aspects. I like that song too. Pretty good work. Like your artwork.
cool u like my would be better if i had a draw pad
Did I miss something...
because in my opinion, that sucked ass. Did I have to watch the other ones in order to find that funny? (except for peanutbutter jelly) Because to me is was just WAY too fuckin long. I thought I was watching some stupid disney show or something. And it wasn't even that funny. I don't wanna sound like those assholes who leave bad reviews for no reason, but I just don't get how this is #1 in the portal right now.
You could improve on your graphics a little. I like your style of their fighting. It really captures the epicness of it. The only thing I noticed is, well, I'm not sure if you saw the movie or didn't because if you did, you would know that, thats not exactly how the fight happens. I'm not sure if you did that on purpose or just to save time. Overall, its an OK flash.
Age 36, Male
Columbia College Chicago
Austin, TX
Joined on 3/27/03