
31 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 106 Reviews


The animation could use some touching up, but overall, I enjoyed this. There were a few shots that looked as though you didn't double check them. For instance, when the troll boss is chasing them, there's a shot where it looks like you erased something near his eye and didn't fill it back in. I could see the layer underneath the part you erased. Hopefully the way I explained that makes sense.

Anyway, aside from the nitpicking, I do still believe you put a valiant effort forth for this project. And that is something I can appreciate.

Well edited, well paced, good music selection. Nice job.

alfa995 responds:

Yeah, about the troll's eye, I saw it and I was going to fix it before uploading the flash but I forgot...I just fixed it, but he admins have to approve it before it updates. Thank you for the review, I'll be more careful and check that kind of details next time.

This is a masterpiece.

I can't even begin to explain how epic this piece is. The further in it went, the more enthralled in the story I became.

This also has some of the most beautiful flash cinematography I have EVER seen. It looked like it gained alot of influence from "Apocalypse Now" (the fan shots, the lighting, etc.). It is so rare to find cinematic flash animators these days, and you completed this masterfully in a very difficult way: with stick figures.

Your voices are also fantastic. Really professional and well delivered. My favorite line: "I'd kill you for free". Such a brilliant and well thought out script.

I can't describe how much I enjoyed this. The dedication and hard work here is extremely apparent. Just an absolute masterpiece. You sir, should be very proud. Please continue this series.

Shayphis responds:

I will, thank your for your comment :)


Funny little short. I didn't like the mashup they had on youtube, but this was great. It's always funny seeing these things visually depicted and I love this one in particular. Just seeing batman yell into a phone is classic. Nice job.

remyzero responds:

Thanks! Yeah that mashup you speak of, showed up on the same day I started planning this. Glad you enjoyed it!

Well done.

I primarily agree with "TheManWhoLaughs" review. Your artwork is fantastic. Not to mention, the animation is very smooth and well put together. You have a very dynamic sense of flash cinematography. That is very respectable and a much more difficult talent to come across in flash. I haven't watched any of your other movies, but I plan to. If you haven't already, I'd suggest you do a more serious flash. You're too talented as an artist to just be doing parodies and or comedies. Which brings me to my next point. Your script for this flash was a bit weak, but wasn't bad. What I think might've helped would be a bit more variety in voice acting. These are minor problems and only stem from my own opinion. You still did and outstanding job on this.

Another thing I agree with in "TheManWhoLaughs" review is the good job you did on the menu. People don't realize just how hard it is to make a flash menu (believe me, I know!). So kudos for that as well.

JZM responds:

Wow. Thenx alot. Yeah. My big weakness is script writing. I plan on improving on dat. Also this is the first time someone understood what I've been doing all these years...w/c is flash cinematography. I was always fascinated w/ them especially in movies and wanted to recreate them in my flash work.

You will notice, aside from all the comedy, is that I love serious artwork and storytelling...I kinda explored that here w/c (I think) ruined the pace of the comedy. I plan on making an original series...not comedy but serious stuff...w/c will be totally different from everything I've done so far. But till then...I have 2 more comedy projects lined up....maybe real soon.

Thenx for commenting on the menu. Finally, someone understand how hard it is to make them. :D Also I plan on using different voice actors for future submissions aside from me doing all the voices. Neways, thenx for this useful comment. I plan on improving on the said probs. :P Thenx.


Well, you took the time to give me somewhat "constructive" criticism so I figured I'd return the favor.

I think I'll start with what was on everyone else's mind when they started to watch this. Preloaders help. That way it doesn't freeze when loading and people can actually FOLLOW the story. Being someone who finds being able to follow the story very important, I'm sure you understand that.

Next thing, your characters are pretty inconsistent. One minute they're just stick figures with heads, the next, they're people with detailed faces next to the screen. When their mouths move, they look like some sort of monkey because their chins don't even move. I didn't know whether he was trying to talk or clear something out of the front of his teeth. The backgrounds look decent at sometimes and rushed at others. If you're going to spend time on the backgrounds, spend time on making the characters in front of them as well.

Also, if you want to make it clear to people how much time it took you to make the first shot, that basically tells them that you took way less time on the other shots, which is obvious when watching.

I'm not going to spend too much time commenting on the music because thats obviously how you envisioned it (at least I hope).

And I feel I must address what you commented on before about my music not being streamed. It actually is. It plays as an event because it's placed inside a movie clip so there wouldn't be any sound delay. That might just be something you don't pay attention to when making your movies (along with a few other things). But hey, it was for school and you just didn't have time.

However, the movie itself had potential. So did the story. But the apparent lack of effort just made me turn it off. You know what that's like. So I give you a 4.

Neon-Crepth responds:

yeah, i think you know the response to each of your comments. i either explained myself in other responses or things are just assumed when you know it was completed in about 2 good days work. and i didn't feel like getting a preloader cause its only like 700 kb. your comp's gotta be slow as shit to freeze up on this. and your movie did keep playing the music after i right clicked and stopped it.
but at least both of our movies have something in common, we both couldn't watch them all the way through... which says something about each flash doesn't it. i thank you for the 4! this really doesn't deserve that. its just for a chuckle.

You know what?

As abstract and odd as this flash was, I couldn't stop watching. It makes a bit more sense when you know and love "No Country For Old Men" which I do. The song was pretty cool too. Nice job.

FrozenSheep responds:

Great Movie.

I didn't mind this

However, I wish it could've gone on for longer. Granted we see ALOT of Mac vs PC type things, you could've gone alot further with it and given us alot more. What you did give us was good though, just more would've been better if done right. Nice job though.

CountLessFilms responds:

yeah we could of writen more but we didnt :O

Pretty good

The characters and the story were kind of lame, but I'm not gonna hold that against you because I mean this is Newgrounds so it works. I will say that your action scenes were pretty cool looking, even though they were kind of short and needed cooler looking villains to fight off. I still think you did a good job on this though. Last thing though, we don't need a gay joke every five minutes lol. Nonetheless, the voice acting was well done. Overall a pretty decent movie where the hard work is apparent so nice job.

JazLyte responds:

Ok, thanks for taking the time to leave a detailed review. I'll work out the issues next movie.


You get a 4 because I laughed. Haha were there really six artists involved in this? If there was, it's six times funnier.

TheSoulMan responds:

hell yes they sure did a lot of the work

Very Impressive

I was very happy to see something like this. Newgrounds needs more movies like this. Unfortunately, society is filled with idiots that fill their heads with Hollywood garbage and don't want to have to analyze what they're watching. For those of us who want more than that and actually put our brains to use, you gave us exactly that. Needless to say it was in a very deep and powerful emotional way.

Anyway. I plan on giving this a second viewing, but first time around, here's what I thought the theme or moral could have been. I'm sure I may be off, but what I gathered from it is this seemed to be about moral sacrifice through betrayal. It reminded me a bit of the whole McCarthyism concept consisting of people being forced into giving up other innocent people who were once close to them in order to save themselves. As for the man himself, the fact that we never actually see his physical features, only a black silhouette, may suggest that he is completely empty, physically and emotionally. And even after he is released, he is still a black silhouette, meaning he got nothing back after being getting out. Upon realizing this and the betrayal he has brought upon others (possibly the corpse his tear falls into), he decides that he is not a clean soul even though he was told he was doing the right thing. Perhaps thats what the red "up" sign was suggesting. But the fact that he descends to his death in the end may mean that he was given no such glorious fate. Only a dark and shameful one, which is what he felt he deserved.

I'm not sure if the bridge itself meant anything, but if it did, I would think that was a metaphor for his own personal purgatory. Seeing that he had already gone through a form of purgatory through the camp, he refuses to let himself be judged again and would rather be his own judge by sealing his fate and punishing himself.

As for WHEN this takes place, could be anytime, but the signs say 1951-2007 and things like that so my guess for that is maybe this is a post World War III type situation.

As for the title, my guess is it suggests that human beings are no better than the creatures we label to be "Animals". As most animals do, we will do anything to survive, even if it means killing off our own kind to do so. We're no different than animals on a food chain in predator prey relationships and we are hypocrites for thinking we're above all that. If anything, we are worse.

But like I said, I could be totally off here because thats just my first guess after first viewing. Maybe you could respond or message me letting me know if thats right or totally wrong.

Anyway, VERY impressive work, artistically and emotionally. Newgrounds needs more submissions like that. Well done.

AtmosGames responds:

Wow! What a review! Thanks! Hey, very deep and very thought through. As for the correct theme, its up to you to discover. :)

Matt Hunter @MOC-Productions

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